The essence of spirituality is love but how to reach it we must train the mind in La Paz ✌🏻 familiarize ourselves with higher states of consciousness
According to the highest philosophy, our essence is goodness, pristine and pure nature. However, we obscure those responses with misperception, negative emotions and wrongdoing. That is the very center of your mother, that is your most precious asset that must be appreciated and expand our understanding and connection with that divine aspect of us. ourselves, when we connect with that, then that will be the platform that will help us connect with others. The tree must have deep roots to grow and flourish, that path is the recognition of our divine essence. Life is joy, growth and abundance, but we limit ourselves we put limits to make our nature unlimited, through our limited belief system. From the opening of our mind and heart, we could look at our barrier facts, those limits that we are putting on ourselves; I can’t do that, I can’t drive, I can’t achieve that, this is part of me, that’s who I am, that’s the other person’s fault, I have nothing to change. We must change that from a place of awareness of that open nature and light of being
Each tradition has its philosophy and vocabulary but the end is the same, enlightenment, union with everything, with the Divine, the Divine is what is special, the word Divine is a concept that represents a demand that is superior to the ordinary , we all exist in a different way even in a similar environment. One could be a thief or a farmer who is rich and generous with the little he has, but for him it is something natural to give and it does not hurt, but it gives him joy to give. Giving is part of your reality, even if you only have a coal fire stove and not a luxurious one, and you have a family that you care for, that is your source of happiness. But there may be another human who knows the supreme inner self will be more fulfilled .
His specialty is the great perfection , and Tantra, a path that makes the practitioner recognize the union with the unnameable infinity.
Walked on hot coals of fire since he was 11 years old, with shamanic, Buddhist , Taoist and mystical knowledge. At the age of 14 he met his Tibetan teacher, Tenzin Wangyal R. Later, a personalized tutelage for 5 years in England with Lama Khemsar R. He studied Tibetan at the Manjusri Institute, India, lived in a small Buddhist monastery in India, he continues to learn from various shamanic traditions in America, other Eastern and Sufism. «After having done numerous retreats and practiced meditation and philosophy since my childhood, I have found my vocation as a spiritual guide.» Additionally, in the cinema he has directed 14 feature films with spiritual, ecological and social themes.